Rock My Socks!
Monday, June 29, 2009

Transformers with love ROCKED MY SOCKS OFF!! The one movie that never fails to keep me at the edge of my seat. I'm pleased as punch ok? And and and! I wanna watch it again laaaaa.....can dear? PUH-LEASE! Pls, pls, pls, pretty pretty please!! n_n

Second Cycle
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today, Love's booking into camp at 2200hrs. Uh-huh, it's the reservist season again, his 2nd cycle and it sucks! Big time, like always! Urgh. It is his third day actually. Last Thursday was the official reporting day, after which, he was given the book out on Saturday till ten tonight. I'm feeling down in the dumps at the moment coz love was told that there's a chance he would have to stay through this coming weekend till the next one and that practically means, seeing him would only be achieveable 14 days later! :( Two whole weeks of distance, utterly NOT good at all! I'm gonna miss him gravely but thank god, there's such thing as having means of communication through a phone. And thank god again, that love's granted the allowance to tag his mobile phone along and make calls during breaks or when the officer declares the day quits. Oh well! I guess I've to be complacent and get by with just hearing his voice for the time being. *big sigh*

"I'm gonna miss you love, badly. I know two weeks will drift by real quick but wateva it is, please forget not your promise to me and take great care of yourself. I give you my word too, as always, that I'll watch over myself and be your good angel. Good luck in all that you're gonna be striving for and pls have in mind, that you'll be in my every prayer, my every dreams, my every memory, my every steps, close and dear to me, in my heart, locked and sealed away, tightly. ILOVEYOU forever ok and I can't wait to have my arms around you again precious! IMISSYOU! :') "

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hello! It's been eons since I updated, yes2, i know the cobwebs are over-populating! LAAAAZZZYYYYY laaaaaaa...and BUSY too! Assignments are a killer ok! I reali wana let this out, I wish I had exams rather than projects! Argh! I mean, I would prefer mugging nights with a textbook, for a paper that would quickly be over and forgotten after just one sitting to making countless library visits for research and then type out write-ups and of course, the presentation and wateva nots! So awfully vexing on the mind and body u knw, it's beginning to take on an unhealthy course for me! Ya, what with the routined, wee hours tasking till as late as 4am for up to three days in a row and the one-meal-a-day diet, how not to fall sick?? I catch myself FOREVER rushing out assignments! I would still be scrambling till late, even on the night before its deadline. Time's a huge constrain, period. Oh, and I'm now a frequent library visitor. Not that I'm a goody-two-shoes, more like, I'm caught in a Hobson's choice situation here! Especially since research work require books, duh. Psst! Here's a confession though..I've got some procrastinating issues at hand, LOL! *sticks out tongue* Ya ya, I sit on my assignments SOMETIMES but hey, that's only beacuse I'm either dog tired after work/school or I've got other obligations to meet and on days you see me really working it out on my lappie, believe me, I'm likely to be running on empty. Gosh! I never thought that juggling work and sch was gonna be like juggling frogs man! Very the backbreaking! Ok, my fingers are giving way areadi, I shall stop here. Till then, bye! ;)

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